Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mother Charged $10 After Lunch of Pot Roast, Potatoes, Carrots and an Orange Deemed ‘Unbalanced’ by Daycare

Leftover pot roast, potatoes, carrots, an orange and milk. Doesn’t sound too bad as lunches go.
But according to a set of lunch regulations for children in Canada, the meal was not balanced enough as it was missing a grain. The caregiver’s solution? Filling the grain void with Ritz crackers and charging the mother $10 for it.
According to the blog Weighty Matters, the incident occurred last December, but the Manitoba mother is now speaking out about it.
When Kristen Bartkiw sent her children to daycare with this meal last December, a message was sent home citing her for a lunch infraction per the Manitoba government’s Early Learning and Child Care lunch regulations.
lunch infraction
A Manitoba mother was sent home with this lunch infraction after her children’s homemade lunches were found “unbalanced” for not including a grain. (Image source: Weighty Matters)
As a reader of Weighty Matters, Bartkiw wrote to the blog that had she sent “microwave Kraft dinner and a hot dog, a package of fruit twists, a Cheestring and a juice box” instead, she likely wouldn’t have gotten dinged.

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